Weekend Backpack Program

The Weekend Backpack Program is a FREE program. Venice School has partnered with TWIGS to get nonperishable food to children for the weekends.

TWIGS packs bags of nonperishable food for each child to take home in their backpack. Venice school will put the food bags into children’s backpacks on Fridays. The children take the packs home and enjoy the food for the weekend. Nothing needs to be returned to school on Monday.

Anyone can participate in this program. There are no required documents needed to participate. Let the school social worker or parent educator know you would like to participate. Your child may already be signed up if the school’s parent-educator has been informed of a need. If you would like to sign up, please find contact information below.

Parent educator at Venice school: Ms. Vanee Williams, 618-274-7953, vwilliams@veniceschools.org

School social worker (remote): Ms. Laura OReilly, 217-871-5205, loreilly@veniceschools.org